Stone & Fairford Leys Childcare Limited
Preschool/Breakfast & Out of School club
“At Stone and Fairford Leys we open the door to a world of learning and development, offering a nurturing and enabling environment with teaching and support from adults, who respond to the child's individual interests and needs to help them build on their learning over time.
Every child is Unique, they are encouraged to stand tall and grow in confidence, kindness and curiosity, there will always be a friend to
learn on or a hand to hold forming positive relationships”.
“We promote "British values" and believe in mutual respect.
Every child has a voice and when we listen to each other
we learn together!”
Mission Statement 2022
Information for Parents
Children Walking to Pre-school
On your child’s first day, enter by the front foyer door at 9am A member of staff will also be available on the entrance door of the pre school. Your child will have a named coat peg on one of the coat pegs within the corridor this is where they should place any bags/coats/cardigans etc. Any lunch boxes should be placed on the lunch box trolley in the foyer. In the front entrance foyer area your child will have a name card on the table which they will need to find and post into the blue tin.
Children enter the preschool corridor and they will be able to go and play once they have deposited their things on their coat peg, wash their hands and then they will be able to go and explore. You will be asked to sign your child in at the main door before you leave and If you are happy to do so you may say good bye to your child before leaving.
Children arriving via car to preschool
Due to our car park only allowing a drop and go facility you may prefer to park off site during your child’s settling in period, if you choose to do this follow arrival instructions as for the walkers.
Parents that wish to drive on site will need to arrive and drive to the rear of the building where they will be able to park in one of the parent/carer parking spaces, there are 6 to the far rear of the property, and then make your way to the front of the building where a member of staff will be there to greet you and your child/ren, you will be asked you to sign your child/ren in. Your child will then be taken into the building where they will be shown where to post their name, put their lunch box, hang their coat etc.
General Information
Some children take longer than others to settle, if your child uses a comfort item please ensure that they bring them to pre-school (if you wish they can be put in the child’s bag) as these can help them to settle/separate more easily.
Parents are welcome to stay until you feel confident to leave your child with pre-school staff.
If possible please talk to staff when you collect your child.
Parents will need to provide a healthy packed lunch for children who attend 6 hour sessions or an afternoon session. As it is our policy to promote healthy eating we ask that parents do not provide sweets/chocolate or drinks within their child’s lunch box, we will provide milk or water for the children to drink. Staff model healthy eating by ensuring that their lunches do not include crisps, sweets, cakes or chocolate biscuits, and by only drinking water. Due to food hygiene guidelines HOT lunches are not permitted.
Change of Collection procedure for children
The procedure for informing Pre School of changes to main parent/carer collecting their own child is as follows:
If in a case of an emergency (i.e. stuck in traffic, appointment over running etc.) telephone the pre-school to inform them of the changes or the time that someone will arrive to collect their child.
If the changes are known prior to arriving at pre-school there is a collection book to be filled in. Speak to a member of staff.
If there are changes to the normal parent/carer that normally collects your child that will become permanent, then please put in writing the changes along with any changes to emergency numbers.
It is very important that Pre School are made aware of changes to different parents/carers collecting children, as we are fully responsible for your child and if we are not made aware of changes, we are within our rights to withhold children from leaving the premises
Late Collection – any child/children who are collected after their specified collection time will carry an additional charge of £1.00 per minute, at the point of signing your child out will determine the extra charge. Please note this is a normal procedure made by most childcare provisions.
Health & Safety Information
All forms must be returned before your child starts pre-school. - This is a legal requirement by OFSTED and we regret that without the completed and signed forms we will not be able to permit a child to be left at pre-school.
Illness – Please allow your child to fully recover from illness before they return to Pre School. Apart from mild colds, any contagious illness (including diarrhoea and/or vomiting) should be contained at home for at least 48 hours.
Pre-school staff will only administer prescribed medication when a medication form has been completed and signed by parents & Carers. The form will detail the correct dosage which will need to be administered to the child under the supervision of two staff members, both staff members will sign the form to witness administration. All medications will be kept in areas that are permitted for staff only.
All children receiving regular/daily medication will need to have a Health care plan completed.
Jewellery – For safety purposes we ask that children do not wear any jewellery.